Orange County, California, District Attorney’s lawyers may have filed and prosecuted dozens of criminal charges based on reports that falsely stated evidence had been booked, revealed in a letter obtained Friday.


I bet a lot of this “lying” is the lazy habit of getting around to booking weak evidence on weak cases, and then when initially confronted, fudging the actual whens of it all. Still, in our business, if we create any basis for the worst possible accusations, there are plenty in line to capitalize on it. If you don’t think about things like this when you’re doing the littlest of things, you’re in a bad habit. Always, CYA. ~Dave E.

©2020 360ARMOR 360ARMOR is a Christian-led charitable nonprofit teaching organization (Federal Tax ID 27-3952199). We exist to serve and support the entire police officer population and culture without judgement. We can be contacted at [email protected]


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